BARRIO OF PALAO, Historical Data - Philippine Historical Data BARRIO OF PALAO, Historical Data - Philippine Historical Data

BARRIO OF PALAO, Historical Data

Barrio Palao

About these Historical Data

[Cover page.]




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Part One: History

1. Present official name of the barrio:


2. PALAO - The name "Palao" was derived when the first inhabitants(Igorots) were attacked by Tinguians, who surrounded the place which was saidin the dialect "lao-lac" (surround). That was turned Into "palao."

BADDEC (sitio) - During the Spanish-American War, there was a man whorode a horse and fought at that place. This man was believed to be St. Mauricio, who stepped on the men who fought with him. "Baddec" (step) got its name in that way.

TIMMANGKI (little portion of the barrio) - In this place, there are many shallow walls and people gave it the name of “timmangki” because of these shallow walls. "Timmangki" means "like walled vats."

LUABEN (little portion of the barrio) — A big stone with a big opening likean open mouth that is crying was found in this place. "Lua" means "cry." Theplace was called "Luaben" because of this stone, which seemed to be crying with [an] open mouth.

3. Date of establishment — unknown.

4. Original families —

a. Tomas Bicarme and Vicente Bicarme b. Bartolome Barbero c. Estanislao Balubar d. Leocadio Bringas e. Mateo BaƱez f. Aniceto Valeros and Cornelio Valeros

5. List of tenientes del barrio from earliest time to date.

I. Spanish Time
Cabeza de Barangay - Don Severino Purugannan
Primo Genito - Sr. Heracleo Bolos
II American Regime
1. Concejal - Don Severino Purugganan
Teniente del Barrio - Sr. Heracleo Bolos
Concejal - Don Teodoro Valera
Teniente del Barrio - Dr. Roberto Bringas

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III. After Liberation
Concejal - Mr. German Bernardez, Mr. Pio Bernardez
Teniente del Barrio - Mr. Balbino Bicarme
IV. Present Time
Concejal - Mr. Maximo Bosque
Teniente del Barrio - Mr. Hilario Bringas

6. There are no barrios or sitios within the jurisdiction that are now depopulated or extinct.

7. Data on historical sitios — Unknown.

There are no structures, buildings, old ruins in this barrio.

8. (a) During the Spanish Occupation —

People in the place swore in the name of Jose Rizal as chief of the "Insurrectos" (soldiers of the mountains) to drive away the Spaniards from the place. Then came the Americans who fought against the Spanish rulers.

The Insurrectos ran to the mountains because they did not want to be ruled by the Americans. The people were left in the barrio to supply secretly the food and other necessities of the Insurrectos who fought against the Americans. When "Peace" (Paz) was declared, the Insurrectos came down from the mountains to the lowlands as fighting stopped between the Americans and Insurrectos.

{b) American Occupation to World War II
1. Don Lucas Paredes was first president of Bangued.
2. Don Juan Ferraren was 2nd president of Bangued.
(c) During World War II

1. In 1941, the Japanese Army arrived passing along the National Highway through the barrio. The arrival of the Japanese caused fear in the hearts of the people very much.

2. People were forced by the Japanese Amy to make "garretas" (guard houses) along the roads where barrio people were to stay and guard the places at night.

3. Small flaglets of the Japanese nation were forced to be pinned on the clothes of people (on their breast). People were forced to bow down to the Japanese guards whenever they passed the place.

4, People were forced to work for the Japanese Amy, to make their garrisons near the town and in the town.

5. People fled to the mountains when they sensed that the Americans were coming to liberate the Philippines. People joined the army in the mountains under the 15th and 121st Infantries of the U.S.

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6 People suffered malaria, dysentery, and other sicknesses while in the mountains because of no food and medicines.

7. In 1945, the people returned to the barrio from their hiding places after the place was cleared up of Japanese. On the first days of their arrival at the old place, people were hardup on food and other necessities especially their houses, that were burned by the Japanese.

(d) After World War II —

People in the place have their teniente del barrio as their chief. The Teniente del Barric was appointed by the Mayor. The Concejal helps the Teniente in the barrio problems and necessities. The Mayor appoints the Teniente del Barrio. There is a school in the place with the help of the P.T.A. It is functioning well and good under the new ways of Community Schools. The means of living in the place is well off due to the many sources of income of the people such as corn, rice, vegetables, pigs, and chickens. The religion of the people is Roman Catholic.

9. {a) During the Spanish-American War, many houses were burned and many lives were lost, especially among the Insurrectos whom the Americans were after. From 1941-1945, all houses in the barrio were burned by the Japanese. Almost two thirds of the barrio people died due to sickness and resistance against the Japanese.

(b) Ater the coming down from their hiding places in the mountains in 1945, the people began to rehabilitate by building new small houses. They worked on the lands abandoned in their fear during the Japanese occupation. They progressed in their raising of vegetables, pigs, and chickens. They worked on the new fields left by the Abra River at the western side of the barrio. Then new and better homes were built two years after the Japanese left. Houses were made more beautiful by cleaning the nearby yards. Plants were planted to beautify them. People were already healthy after the Japanese molestations.

Part Two: Folkways

10. People’s ways of living in the place is very simple. They are hardworking and industrious. They do not spend their money uselessly but instead they keep them to be used in buying and in mortgage of lands. When mothers give birth a "partera" is called to assist the mother giving birth.

At baptismal parties, they just call their compadres and comadres to dine with them, with an exception to the better-off, who give a big party to be attended by people of other places.

On courtship, the man to marry asks the help of the best old man writer about the affair, to write a letter for him to be sent to the parents of the woman. If after three letters there is an answer, then the old relatives and the best men in the barrio accompany the parents of the man to the parents of the woman to ask for the hand of their daughter. In there, the parents are the ones to agree about the marriage of their children that is an engagement between the children.

During marriage parties, the house of the bride is prepared for the feasting. Many people are invited. Bamboo tables are prepared when the dinner will be set. The yard is roofed with green branches and leaves and cleaned for it will be the place where dancing will be held with the barrio string band playing.

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At death burials, almost all the people go to attend with the men carrying the dead. Before the body is brought to the cemetery, no animal is slaughtered for food. Only after the corpse is brought away.

On Sundays, women visit each other chatting about their work and ways of living. The men take their roosters and go to a certain place for trial cockfighting which they call "Pulis."

There are no festivals in the place except when the priest comes to any Holy Mass in the barrio. On Christmas, there is a simple Christmas program.

Punishments are not practiced in the place. It is only the conscience that makes the punishment.

11. In some parts of the place, it is said that there are "sasairo." The "sasairo" used to appear like a big dog, cat, etc. This sasairo is believed to make a person sick.

The people believein "ininnapet," this is letting the spirits eat, the food the people set for them.

When someone sneezes at the moment they leave the place where they are leaving on a journey, they do not like to continue going, especially if the sneeze was made by an animal.

In this place, they do not have stories about the origin of the world, land, mountains, and caves, seas, lakes, rivers, plants, trees, animals, sun, moon, stars, eclipse, earthquake, lightning and thunder, clouds, rains, wind, changes of climate, other natural phenomena, first man and woman, birth of twins, or more, sickness, witchcraft, magic, divinations, etc.

There is only a belief that when there is an eclipse the pregnant woman should be treated by the quack doctor so that she will not have a misdelivery.

When someone is “nagamot’ (poisoned), they do not call the doctor but they drink oil in which was immersed what is known as. “tangali®, so that the poison will be removed.

12. Popular songs.

Manang Biday

The most common amusement for the men is cockfighting.

13. Riddles.

Sangcagalip a rabong, punoenna toy lubong. - Bulan
Idiayen, conana, awan met matana. - Tammodo

14. Proverbs.

Ti macaturog macamucat, ti nasalucag isu ti agbiag.

Sasaorti agdildil-law, no caarroba tiagtibtibao.

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15. Methods of measuring time.

The height of the sun is a means of measuring time during the day. At dawn, it is the rooster. At night it is the moon.

16. Other folktales.

There is a beautiful woman who used to go and attend the procession in Pidigan, a town near the barrio. This woman had a very lang hair and used to stay at the end of the procession. She was believed to be a mermaid, and after the procession (the procession), the woman used to go home at the river near Pidigan.

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Transcribed from:
History and Cultural Life of the Barrio Palao, online at the National Library of the Philippines Digital Collections. The pagination in this transcription is as they appear in the original document.
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