BARRIO OF BANACAO, Historical Data - Philippine Historical Data BARRIO OF BANACAO, Historical Data - Philippine Historical Data

BARRIO OF BANACAO, Historical Data

Barrio Banacao

About these Historical Data

[Cover page.]



Mr. Carlos Bersalone
Mr. Pascual Castillo

Prepared and submitted by:

[p. 1]

Part One: History

1. Present official name of the barrio:


Popular name of the barrio, present and past, derivation.

Banacao - The name was derived from a certain event which happened in the past. There was a piece of land in the barrio which they called Banacao for the reason that there was a man who became an outlaw of the place and always slaughtered a carabao which he stole.

This barrio has two sitios, namely Pilay and Saludan. PILAY got its name from the first inhabitant of the place who was lame. (Ilocano - "pilay"). SALUDEN is derived from the fact that the people of this village always saluted ("saludo") the people of PILAY. Hence the name "saluden" — from saludo, saludogan, or pagsaludoen.

3. Date Of establishment was believed to be in the eighteenth century.

4. The original families in the barrio and sitio were believed to be Tinguians. When the Spaniards came, these original families were driven away or they were killed by the Spaniards. From that time on the Christians took over the place. Among the oldest Christian families are the families of Felipe Berona and Arcadio Billado. These families grew and were considered the first Christian inhabitants of this barrio.

5. List of barrio tenientes from the earlliest time to date

1. Marcelo Blaza
2. Lucio Laureta
3. Emiliano Bersalona
4. Marcelino CaƄllo
5. Carlos Bersalona
6. Pascual Castillo
7. Jose Tobias

6. As far as it is known, no depopulated sitio is within the jurisdiction of this barrio.

7. There is none in this sitio of historical importance for the houses were and still are made of cogon grass with bamboo supports.

8. There is none even of any historical importance during the Spanish time. During the Japanese occupation as during the liberation by the Americans, Banacao was the evacuation center of the people of Bangued. After World War II, for the first time in the history of this barrio, a Primary Elementary School was established.

9. The Tinguians who were considered the first inhabitants were driven away and some were probably killed by the Spaniards.

In 1941-1945, some of the inhabitants were killed by the Japanese, but it is believed that more were killed by bolomen than those executed by the Japanese.

[p. 2]

So far, no construction was made after World War II aside from the improvements made by the implementaion of the community centered school.

Part Two: Folkways

10. In the older days, a person who gave birth was attended to by a midwife. The child's [umbilical] cord was cut off with a sharpened piece of bamboo of a species known as "bolo," and the cut was made dry with fine ashes.

Courtship was of the parents' choice, even if the lady and the groom have not yet met each other. The parents of the bride require the groom to donate some properties to prove that he has something to use for the future of his family.

Marriage festivals are considered official holidays for the barrio folks. All members of the families of the barrio are present at the dinner to be served.

Burials of the richer families are accompanied by music bands.

As years rolled on, the people step by step got more educated and civilized. The early customs brought down from their ancestors were modified and those which seemed unhealthy were outmoded.

11. (a) (a) When a woman is pregnant, she should not eat twin bananas for she may give birth to twins or the fingers of the child may stick together.

A girl who sings before the stove while cooking will marry an old widower.

When a hen cackles at midnight, a married woman is pregnant.

The howling of dogs at midnight are omens of misfortune or death.

Sneezing while starting a joumey is a bad omen.

When cats wipe their faces with their paws, visitors are coming to the house.

12. Popular songs:

Manang Biday, Sarsuelas, No Duaduaem pay.


1. Manang Biday, Sarsuelas, No Duaduaem pay.
Ta ventana icalumbabam,
Ta kitaem toy kinayawam,
Ay, matayacon no dinac caasian.
2. Asinno ca nga aglabaslabas
Toy jardinco a minuyongac.
Ammom ngarud a balasangac
Sabong ti lirio dipay nagucrad.

[p. 3]

3. Denggem, ading, ta bilinenca
No incanto sadi Laguna,
Nangalacanto bungat mangga
Lansones pay ken adu a kita.
4. Nonangato dica sibbulen,
No nababa dica gaw-aten,
No naregreg dica piduten
Ngemlabaslabasamto laeng.
5. Deytoy panioc no maregregco
Ti macapidut isublinanto,
Namarcaan ti naganco
Ken habordaan ti sinan puso.


1. No duaduaem pay laeng ti pegges ni ayat,
Nalawag unayen nga ulpitmo ken ranggas;
Ala man, biagco, sawem ti pamuspusac
Tapno mabalin pay nga lipatenca, O imnas.
2. Lipat noanto, wen, ngem addaacton idiay tanem
Ngem no itan, saan; saan a mabaliin, Ay!
Itdem ni ayat, ala, dinac pagtuocken
Yantangay sicasioa ti innac ay-ayaten.

Puzzles and riddles

1. "There, there," it says, but it has no eyes – forefinger
2. If you forget you can get, but if you are aware you might miss them.

Proverbs and Sayings

1. Do not keep a mouse if you have a cat.
2. Where there is sugar, there is the ant.

15. Methods of measuring time

1. Position of the sun at daytime; of the stars at nighttime.
2. By the crowing of the roos±er.
3. By the cat's eyes.

Other folklores


Signatures of persons who gave the information:

Submitted by:
Teachers, Banacao School
Transcribed from:
History and Cultural Life of the Barrio Banacao, online at the National Library of the Philippines Digital Collections. The pagination in this transcription is as they appear in the original document.
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